

Costing, Cost Records & Cost Audit- A brief

When we say the term ‘cost’ we simply mean the price we are paying for any goods or services. The process of determining cost of a particular activity or work can be termed as ‘costing’. Knowingly or unknowingly ‘costing’ becomes an integral activity of our daily life. E.g. many of us have the habit of keeping records of our day to day expenses. We use to record all our fooding expenses, travelling expenses, fuel expenses,…

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Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018- An initiative to promote ‘Ease of Doing Business’

The Govt of India has taken many initiatives to facilitate the ‘ease of doing business’ in the country and one of such initiative is the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018. The said ordinance has amended 31 provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with the basic objectives to promote ease of doing business by facilitating better corporate governance & compliance. The Ordinance provides much needed relief to the corporates and professionals alike by decriminalizing a host of…

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