

Period/Days of extension for names reserved and re-submission of forms

S.N. Issue Description Period/Days of Extension 1. Names reserved for 20 days for new company incorporation. SPICe+ Part B needs to be filed within 20 days of name reservation. Names expiring any day between 15th March 2020 to 31st July would be extended by 20 days beyond 31st July 2020. 2. Names reserved for 60 days for change of name of company. INC-24 needs to be filed within 60 days of name reservation. Names expiring…

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Further extension of time for submission of financial results for the quarter/half year/financial year ending 31st March, 2020 due to the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

SEBI has further extended the timeline for submission of financial results under Regulation 33 of the LODR Regulations, up to 31st July, 2020 for the quarter and the year ending 31st March, 2020. Similarly, the timeline under Regulation 52 of the LODR for submission of half yearly and/or annual financial results for the period ending 31st March, 2020 for entities that have listed NCDs, NCRPS’, CPs, MDS’ is also extended to 31st July, 2020. [Source:…

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The Companies (Board and its Powers) Second Amendment Rules, 2020

The Central Government clarified that up to 30th September, 2020, the board meetings on matters referred herein below may also be held through video conferencing or other audio-visual means The approval of annual financial statements; The approval of the Board’s Report; The approval of the prospectus; The audit committee meetings for consideration of financial statement including consolidated financial statement if any, to be approved by the board under sub-section (1) of section 134 of the Act…

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The Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Third Amendment Rules, 2020

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has clarified that any person who has been appointed as an independent director in a company on the date of commencement of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2019, shall within a period of nine months instead of existing tine frame of seven months as prescribed vide notification dated 29th April, 2020, from such commencement shall apply online to the institute for inclusion of his name…

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